Books By Kunle Adigun
This book opens up God’s purpose for Covid 19 and establishes it as part of God’s agenda for the end time. It also reveals God’s protection plan for His Church through the period of pestilences, perplexity of nations, and troubles that will come upon the world before the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a must read.
Unveiling The Antichrist
This is a blockbuster. A book written to expose and unmask the identity of the Antichrist. It is a must read for every Christian seeking the kingdom. It unravels all the lies, falsehood and deception that Satan has fed the church with for generations. The identity of the Antichrist cannot be left to guesswork / mystical and numerological calculations. It has been taught that the Antichrist will come after the rapture but the scripture in 2 Thess 2:3 says that the Antichrist will come before the rapture. This is just one of the many lies that the devil has used to shroud the identity of the Antichrist in darkness. But God is shining His light to expose him.
The Jesus Revolution
This book unveils Jesus as God’s greatest mystery. This mystery must be known to every Christian seeking to be a part of the glorious church (Eph 5:27) that will disgrace and shame the devil on the face of the earth before he is consigned into the lake of fire. The book presents Jesus as God’s ever-living message (1 Pet 1.23 TLB). God has only one message from Genesis to Revelation. That message is Jesus. The Jesus Revolution transforms the ordinariness and mediocrity of our Christian lives into excellence as it did with the early Church and they were able to turn the world upside down for God.

Beyond Pentecost
Pentecost is the second of the three major feast of Israel. It symbolises a major, not a final bus stop in Divine programme for the church. It is glorious and powerful. However, there is a third feast which must be fulfilled in the church (Matt. 5:18). This is the feast of Tabernacle or Ingathering. This book sets out to challenge every christian in this hour to prepare to enter into the endtime move of the Holy Spirit which will transform the Bride into a Glorious Church in preparation for the coming of the Bridegroom (Eph. 5:26-27).
Poverty Defeated
Poverty is an end time satanic weapon to wreak havoc on all nations and peoples. In this book you will discover the divine providence of God to combat and neutralise poverty by living in God’s Goshen.
Understanding The New Birth
This minibook sets forth to reveal the importance of the new birth. It explains in details the need to be born again and the signs of a genuine conversion. it is very useful for evangelism and outreach purposes.
Discipling The Nations
This is a classic on revival that exposes the reasons why revival has tarried in the church irrespective of our efforts. The book came as an offspring of Watchmen Conference held in Abeokuta a few years ago and is another must read for ministers.